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# detect floodnets v2e
# by robey, butchbub, gord-
bind msgm - * check_floodnet
bind ctcp - * check_floodnet_ctcp
# last 5 msgs i received
if {![info exists floodmsglist]} {
set floodmsglist {{0 nobody x} {0 nobody z} {0 nobody v} {0 nobody y} {0 nobody w}}
set floodlistlen 5
set floodalert 0
# this means 3 of the previous 4 msgs have to be identical:
set floodtrigger 4
# the timespan between them has to be this small (seconds):
set floodtime 10
proc check_floodnet_ctcp {nick uhost hand dest keyword text} {
check_floodnet $nick $uhost $hand "CTCP $keyword $text"
return 0
proc check_floodnet {nick uhost hand text} {
global floodmsglist floodalert floodlistlen floodtime floodtrigger
# rotate floodmsglist
set floodmsglist [lreplace $floodmsglist 0 0]
lappend floodmsglist [list [unixtime] $nick!$uhost $text]
# timespan satisfied?
if {[unixtime]-[lindex [lindex $floodmsglist 0] 0] > $floodtime} {
if {$floodalert} { check_end_flood [expr $floodlistlen-1] }
# check for multiple
set count 0
for {set i 0} {$i < $floodlistlen-1} {incr i} {
if {[string compare [string tolower $text] \
[string tolower [lindex [lindex $floodmsglist $i] 2]]] == 0} { incr count }
if {$count < $floodtrigger} {
if {$floodalert} { check_end_flood [expr $floodlistlen-2] }
# okay this one counts
if {!$floodalert} {
# new flood
set floodalert 1
putlog "(**) I am being flooded, possibly by a floodnet."
putlog "(**) Entering dike mode."
trample_oldflood $text
add_floodnet $nick!$uhost
bind bot - floodnotice floodnet_notice
proc floodnet_notice {from cmd rest} {
set mask [lindex $rest 0]
set fullhost [lindex $rest 1]
putlog "($from) floodnet ignore: $mask ($fullhost)"
newignore $mask $from "(dike) floodnet: $fullhost" 0
proc add_floodnet {fullhost} {
regsub "^\\*!" [maskhost $fullhost] "*!*" new
if {![isignore $new]} {
# uh, if it was on ignore, how did it trigger msgm?
putlog "floodnet ignore: $new ($fullhost)"
putallbots "floodnotice $new $fullhost"
newignore $new "dike" "floodnet: $fullhost" 0
# every text from msg that matches the most recent one: part of the floodnet
proc trample_oldflood {text} {
global floodlistlen floodmsglist
for {set i 0} {$i < $floodlistlen-2} {incr i} {
set theysaid [lindex [lindex $floodmsglist $i] 2]
set theysaid [string tolower $theysaid]
if {[string compare $theysaid [string tolower $text]] == 0} {
# match!
add_floodnet [lindex [lindex $floodmsglist $i] 1]
proc check_end_flood {howfar} {
global floodalert floodlistlen floodmsglist
# if the previous message was ALSO different, we may be ok
set prevmsg [string tolower [lindex [lindex $floodmsglist $howfar] 2]]
set ok 1
for {set i 0} {$i < $howfar} {incr i} {
if {[string compare [string tolower [lindex [lindex $floodmsglist $i] 2]] $prevmsg] == 0} { set ok 0 }
if {! $ok} { return }
# must be over
putlog "(**) Floodnet bombardment seems to be over; leaving dike mode."
set floodalert 0
if {![info exists dike_timer]} {
set dike_timer [timer 2 dike_check]
proc dike_check {} {
global dike_timer floodmsglist floodlistlen floodalert
if {$floodalert} {
# if last msg was 120 seconds ago, all is clear
set lastmsg [lindex [lindex $floodmsglist [expr $floodlistlen-1]] 0]
if {[unixtime]-$lastmsg > 120} {
check_end_flood 0
set dike_timer [timer 2 dike_check]
# Procedure to kick/ban recognized floodnet bots from the
# channel on join.
# by Gord-
# to enable this option, set to 1
# to disble, set to 0
set enable_kb_floodnet 1
proc join_ignore_kb {nick uhost handle channel} {
if {![isignore $uhost]} {return 0}
foreach item [ignorelist] {
set hostmask [lindex $item 0]
set comment [lindex $item 1]
if {[string match $hostmask "$nick!$uhost"]} {
if {([string first "floodnet" [string tolower $comment]] != -1) || ([string first "fludnet" [string tolower $comment]] != -1)} {
newchanban $channel $hostmask "floodban" "Floodnet bots not welcome here."
putcmdlog "Floodnet bot $nick!uhost joined $channel - repelled!!"
return 0
if {$enable_kb_floodnet} {
bind join - * join_ignore_kb
putlog "dike (v2e) loaded; floodnet patrol armed & ready"